It’s an achievement normally accomplished by people many years older, but students at Barnardsville Elementary are now published authors.
Mrs. Robinson’s and Mrs. Buchanan’s kindergarten classes held a special book release party on the playground Friday. Teachers unveiled “Life in America Has Changed Over Time,” a book written and published by the students. It details how life in our country has changed over the years. Each student contributed to the facts and illustrations in the book.
“We started the year with words, which turned into sentences,” Mrs. Robinson shared with the audience. “Those sentences turned into paragraphs, which became pages, and then we had an entire book.”
After the unboxing, students read the book, along with their personal writing assignments for the year, to guests at the event, including Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson and the Board of Education’s Madam Chair, Ann Franklin.
Click here to see more photos from the book release party.