TSI & CSI Schools

Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (TSI): Consistently Underperforming Subgroups 2024-25 Identification List

North Carolina's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan identifies schools for targeted support and improvement when schools have student subgroup(s) that are consistently underperforming. Schools with one or more subgroups receiving an 'F' letter grade in the accountability system for the most recent and previous two years are identified as Targeted Support and Improvement-Consistently Underperforming (TSI-CU). Identified annually, TSI-CU schools exit this identification if the identified subgroup(s) receives at least the grade of ‘D’ for the most recent and previous year’s score.

The fall 2024–25 TSI-CU identification uses 2023-2024, 2022–23 and 2021–22data to identify schools with consistently underperforming subgroup(s). There are 1,266 schools identified on the 2024–25 list. TSI-CU schools receive support from the local school district.

For additional information on the identification of these schools, please refer to the identification business rules on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website or the North Carolina ESSA State Plan found at: https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/federal-program-monitoring/every-student-succeeds-act-essa. For additional information on support for these schools, contact the North Carolina's Department of Public Instruction's Office of Federal Programs.

  • Cane Creek Middle

  • Eblen Intermediate

  • Emma Elementary

  • Enka High

  • Enka Intermediate

  • Enka Middle

  • Erwin Middle

  • Estes Elementary

  • Fairview Elementary

  • Koontz Intermediate

  • North Buncombe Middle

  • North Windy Ridge Intermediate

  • Oakley Elementary

  • Owen High

  • Owen Middle

  • Reynolds Middle

  • Roberson High

  • Sand Hill-Venable Elementary

  • Valley Springs Middle

  • WD Williams Elementary

Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (TSI): Additional Targeted Support 2022-23 Identification List

North Carolina's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan identifies schools for targeted support and improvement when schools have student subgroup(s) that are underperforming. For the fall 2022–23 identification, any school with one or more subgroups identified as TSI-CU and receiving a subgroup letter grade score at or below the highest performing Comprehensive Support and Improvement Low Performing (CSI-LP) school's School Performance Grade score, based on the 2021–22 data, was identified as Targeted Support and Improvement-Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) school. Schools identified as CSI-LP are not eligible to be identified as TSI-AT.

For the 2022–23 identification, 892 schools were identified as TSI-AT. TSI-AT schools receive support from the local school district specifically focused on improving the performance of the identified subgroup(s).

Schools identified in 2018–19 and also 2022–23 were eligible to exit at the end of the 2023–24 school year, and may have been removed from the 2022–23 Identification List. Previously identified schools were eligible to exit TSI-AT status at the end of the 2023–24 school year by having (1) a three-year growth index of 1.0 or higher; or (2) met the interim progress targets in reading and math for the identified subgroup(s); or (3) there is no longer an identified subgroup(s) whose overall performance is at or below the score designated for CSI-LP identification and previous identified subgroup(s) improved their performance grade from the time they were identified. 2018-19 identified schools with subgroups unable to exit will continue to have exit criteria applied in future years, and Title I served schools unable to exit TSI-AT at the beginning of the 2025–26 school year will become Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools.

For additional information on the identification of these schools, refer to the identification business rules on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website or the North Carolina ESSA State Plan found at https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/federal-program-monitoring/every-student-succeeds-act-essa. For additional information support for these schools, contact the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's Office of Federal Programs.

  • Cane Creek Middle

  • Eblen Intermediate

  • Enka Middle

  • Erwin Middle

  • Estes Elementary

  • Koontz Intermediate

  • Oakley Elementary

  • Owen Middle

Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools (CSI)   2022-23 Identification List

North Carolina's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan identifies two sets of schools for comprehensive support and improvement which occurs every three years. Tier Levels were added in the 2022-23 school year to identify schools that were unable to exit. Tier 1 refers to all schools newly identified in the fall of 2022–23. Tier 2 refers to all schools who were previously identified in 2018–19 and reidentified in the fall of 2022–23.

1) CSI Low-Performing (CSI-LP) schools are those schools whose School Performance Grades are in the bottom five percent of all Title I Served schools. For the 2022–23 identification, using 2021–22 data, 56 new schools were identified (Tier 1) and 27 schools were reidentified (unable to exit, Tier 2).

2) CSI Low Graduation Rate (CSI-LG) schools are any schools with a four-year cohort graduation rate lower than 66.7% regardless of Title I status. For the 2022–23 identification, using 2021–22 data, 20 new schools were identified (Tier 1) and 19 schools were reidentified (unable to exit, Tier 2). CSI-LG schools are eligible to be identified as CSI-LP schools.

Schools with a CSI identification receive state-level support from the Office of Federal Programs. Schools on the 2022–23 CSI identified schools list are eligible to exit after 4 years, if they meet the required exit criteria. For additional information, refer to the identification business rules on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction website or the North Carolina ESSA State Plan found at https://www.dpi.nc.gov/districts-schools/federal-program-monitoring/every-student-succeeds-act-essa.

  • Community High (tier 2)

  • Johnston Elementary (tier 1)